Patch The Pirate Jonah Lyrics

But you wanna be a pirate? (Caroline & Alina): Yeah, I wanna be a pirate!) Sure, you wanna be a pirate? (Caroline & Alina Yo, I wanna be a pirate.) Oo, oo oo. Can you crawl down through a hatch? Do you look good in a patch? ‘Cause that’s a pirate! So you wanna be a pirate? Caroline & Alina(Yeah, I wanna be a pirate!) A hooky, spooky, kooky.

  1. Patch the Pirate is an Evangelical Christian series of character-building, comical, and musical recordings for children produced by Majesty Music.These comical capers teach Christian values to children through story and song recordings, children’s choir clubs, and radio programs. Patch the Pirate is played by Ron 'Patch' Hamilton, who is a popular Christian singer, songwriter.
  2. Come and listen to my fearful tale Of the ocean blue, How a man got swallowed by a whale-Yes, I know it's true! Chorus: Jonah, Jonah, Did not obey God immediately- Jonah, Jonah, Down in the depths of the deep blue sea! Then a great big fish that God had made Swallowed Jonah whole, But the Lord heard Jonah when he prayed.

Patch The Pirate Jonah Lyrics


Patch The Pirate Jonah Lyrics

Sometimes the path is steep,
the waters deep, the way seems hard and long.
Sometimes we wonder why- we question if His Word has lead us wrong.
Don't get stuck in a rut you gotta look up.
Turn from worry and doubt,
and you will find out there's a better route.
His ways are higher,
His thoughts are wiser from the beginning to the end.
So I will follow today, tomorrow,
and even after then I will simply trust in Him.
Step by step, day by day, I will follow the narrow way.
Step by step, day by day, I will follow the narrow way.
Sometimes I loose my way, I turn and stray from what God has for me.
I try and figure out all on my own just where I wanna be.
Don't get stuck in a rut you gotta look up.
Turn from worry and doubt,
and you will find out there's a better route
His ways are higher,
His thoughts are wiser from the beginning to the end.
So I will follow today, tomorrow,
and even after then I will simply trust in Him.
Step by step, day by day, I will follow the narrow way.
Step by step, day by day, I will follow and simply trust in Him.